

Parochial Applications

The fees payable in respect of Faculty matters are set out in the current Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order. In some dioceses, by special arrangement with the Diocesan Board of Finance, the fee payable on lodging a Petition is not payable where the Petitioners are the Minister and/or Churchwardens or the Parochial Church Council. However, please check with the Registry on specific arrangements for your Diocese.

Private Applications

In the case of a Petition from a private individual (for example, relating to the reservation of a grave space, or the provision of a memorial), the fee payable (from 1 January 2024) when lodging the Petition is £327.40. A cheque should be made payable to ‘The Bishop of DIOCESE_NAME’s Registry’. This will be requested by us when an acknowledgement of having received the petition is sent out. ***